Increase customer value and your revenue
with strategic product availability email alerts

Unlock additional revenue opportunities by capturing emails of interested buyers, and strategically provide curated reminder notifications about purchasability.


Alert Interested Users

Curated Branded Email strategically timed for a higher conversion rate.


Unlock Key Insights

Simple actionable analytics to help you better prioritize inventory reordering.


ROI Reporting

Automated reporting to track your revenue returns with cost factored in.



Our Enterprise plan allows for key customizations to drive additional value

Unique Features

Common Questions

Will This Work On My Platform?

Yes! Shopify, BigCommerce, and Woo-Commerce are all capable of a full integration, along with the vast majority of other platforms.

If your platform provides basic code access, installation is a breeze. In rare cases, some minor features may not be fully available.

Can we customize it?

Customizations are included for customers in our enterprise tier, or are billed per customization. These set us apart, as they allow your brand or business to tweak functionalities so additional competitive advantages can be unlocked.

What About Spam?

If you notice you're getting spam submissions you can optionally turn on the recaptca "I am a human" checkbox. If we detect high spam and are using SMS, we may require this setting as SMS messages are costly


Simple Installation

We will install it for you! However, if you have a precise developer and want to add it your way, you only need 2 things:

Script on sold out product pages. If you have no template for this, we can detect using vanilla javascript. This will load the subscribe form based on your back-office settings.

Script on order confirmation page. A common practice for various analytical tracking. (Google analytics e-commerce, various other platforms etc)